Friday, October 1, 2010

silver lining?

For so long in the advertising and marketing business, it seemed that employees' skill sets became narrower and narrower. I'll always remember the first British designer I interviewed. His portfolio was a mix of the usual ads, identity/logos, etc. and then! wallpaper design and textile pieces and more! He had worked as a graphic designer, a product designer, and gasp! a sales professional (of the product line he had developed).

And, oh boy, did he have a tough time finding his next job. All the employers he met in our market wanted to see something more traditional, more narrow. There was a pattern then of becoming more specialized, within any discipline, to improve ones' upward mobility, hireability, compensation, etc.

This recession seems to have changed that somewhat. A generalist who can adapt to change quickly and maintain a good attitude is looking better to many employers:

And that British designer I was so impressed with? He did stay in KC (yay!), had a good job in product development for a long time, and now is very busy with his independent design work.